Computer Aided Design by Solidworks

Solidworks is the main 3D CAD software used by our lab. It is mainly used in mechanical design and is the most popular CAD software on the market. Three main file types are used in Solidworks; Part files, Assembly files and Drawing files. Part files are a 3D representation of a single component. Assembly files are a 3D arrangement of Parts or other Assemblies. Drawing files are 2D engineering drawings of Parts, Assemblies or custom drawings. Solidworks also comes with some free analysis software, listed below.
1. COSMOSXpress is a limited static FEA solver that can be used on single part files. The full featured version is COSMOS.
2. COSMOSFloXpress is a limited computation flow dynamics (CFD) solver. The full featured version is COSMOSFloWorks.
3. DFMXpress is a design for manufacturing (DFM) program that checks if a part can be machined.
4. DriveWorksXpress is a rules-based design automation tool that allows creation of multiple variations of parts, assemblies and drawings quickly and accurately.
Learning Solidworks is beyond the scope of this guide, please consult the Solidworks help and tutorials if you would like to learn more.